Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

A Brief History of Ideas
The website was first discovered by Sir Timothy John, Tim Berners-Lee. In 1991 the website is connected with jaringan.Ttujuan of the website made at that time which is to facilitate the exchange and update information to fellow researchers in their work. Thus the notion of the website while it's still limited to exchange of information and not understanding the terminology website.

Websites published to the public after the announcement of CERNpada 30th april 1993. CERN stated that the website can be used freely by everyone. At this time the notion website already entered the public domain because it can be used by everyone wherever and whenever.

Broadly speaking, the website can be classified into 3 parts:
1.Website static
2.Website dynamic
3.Website interactive

Static website is a web page that has not changed. It means to make changes to a page done manually by editing the code that became the structure of the website.

Dynamic websites are websites that are structurally intended to update as often as possible. Usually the main addition that could diaksesoleh users in general, also provided a backend to edit the content of the website. Common examples of web news dinamisadalah website or web portal in which there are facilities news, polling and sebagainya.Website Interactive is a web that now it is booming. One example is the interactive website blog and forum. On the website can interact and collide iniuser argument about what they thought. Usually such websites have a moderator to regulate the topics discussed are not out of line.

Elements â € "element that is Within Website
1.Nama DomainDomain is given a unique name to identify the name of the server computer as a web server or email server on a computer network or the Internet. The domain name serves to facilitate the users on the internet at the time akseske server, as well as used to remember the name of the server that you visit without having to know complicated series of numbers known as IP addresses. This domain name is also known as a union of a website. Domain names are sometimes referred to by the term URL, or address domain website.Contoh in between .com, .net, .org, .info, â € | and many lagi.Nah, great rajawebhost provide domain to find cheap sangattttt to try Anda.Mau's how cheap domain? Immediately to rajawebhost!

2.Hosting or HostingHosting site is a place to store data on the internet in the form of text, images or other files. Hosting its own varying prices, depending on capacity and features offered. If you are still in a learning tahab should use personal hosting to be more frugal. You can get personal package super cheap in rajawebhost. Interesting right? Want to try to be creative to make my own website? Have immediate cheap hosting in rajawebhost!

3.Desain Website and Maintenance WebsiteSetelah have a domain and hosting, it's time to build your website. You can create a website according to your wishes, of course, if Andamempunyai ability of it. Good website design plus maintenance to update the article interesting, be hypnotic visitors to keep coming to our site. Automatic website or our website will be worth much more expensive in the eyes of the public. And many will be interested to advertise, of course, can supplement our income.

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